What can I do during free time?
"So, you've told me about the workshops & about the general schedule, what can I do in FREE TIME?" The answer is: "Lots of great things!!"
- There is a pool at the college, and if you like to swim, we will have specific times where just our group can use the pool.
- The campus is beautiful with a quaint little park... plenty of space to sit and relax, take a walk, stroll around the little local cemetery or walk thru the small town.
- We put together a very cool gift store with great items for sale... books, used books, jewelry, misc items. (If you are interested in selling things at the gift store, send contract Margo SanCartier - to reserve your space. Limited space available)
- Schedule a Private Counseling Session. We will have 20+ service providers that each day can assist you with these and other items: Massage, Reflexology, Kinesiology & Body Mechanics, Shamanism, Tarot, Healing, accessing your Akashic Records, Reiki, Past Life Readings, Esoteric Astrology, Animal Totems and Communication, Spirit Drawings, Meditation work...and others. You can reserve your date/time sessions at the retreat, or you can pre-schedule with Ronda SanCartier. You will receive more information about pre-scheduling counseling appointments after you register, and you receive your registration confirmation papers.
- Talk with friends.
- Take a nap...let's face it, this is a busy schedule!